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IWA/CC Minutes 12-15-2010

Minutes                                   - 1 -                                 December 15, 2010

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Elizabeth Warren, Barbara Kelly, John Blondin, Audrey Delnicki, Hugh Brower, John Phillips, Carol Heffler

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Richard Muller
STAFF PRESENT:          Jeff Folger, Environmental Planner
Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary

Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm



ITEM:  CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS:   Chairperson Warren confirmed that all Commissioners had received a copy of her memo to the Town Council regarding 765 Sullivan Avenue.

ITEM:  BONDS:   no

ITEM:  MINUTES:   Minutes from 10/20/2010 and 11/17/2010 were approved by consensus.


Folger:  Provided accounting of bond money and how it’s been spent over the past 15 years to the Open Space Task Force

Heffler:  Brought Open Space Task Force up to date regarding decision to have Conservation Commission remain part of Inland Wetlands Agency not move to Open Space Task Force.  This is acceptable to Open Space Task Force.


Folger:  Recent rain was close to 3 inches.  Due to frozen conditions, there weren’t any problems.  Several Commissioners discussed how high the Connecticut River is.  Commissioner Kelly stated that there has been a very substantial amount of runoff from the East Windsor part of the Guarino project onto Griffin Road.  Jeff Folger will notify East Windsor officials.


Chairperson Warren called the Public Hearing to order at 7:15 pm.  Secretary Heffler read the Legal Notice.

Appl. #10-51P, Land Resource Consultants Inc – 1559 Sullivan Ave. – IWA/CC application for the construction of an office building grading, parking, stormwater utilities, and associated improvements on property located north of Ellington Road, and west of Sullivan Avenue.  Restricted Commercial Zone (RC).

Pat Gorman, Principal of Land Resource Consultants, presented the application.  Mr. Gorman distributed photos of on-site wetlands and off-site detention basin associated with the 1.6 acres involved in the project, stating that 22,000 sq ft of wetlands is inactive.  The project consists of a 15,000 sq ft medical building with parking in front and rear, interconnecting with existing parking on Kelley property, not with Mother Goose Daycare.  An easement to the north is required by Planning.  For stormwater runoff, a catch basin is proposed to the rear, tied into the Kelley piece.  A low flow swale is proposed to bring the runoff back to the basin, which is non-conforming as it is – improperly designed in the 1980’s.  Rip rap, also, with clean up water going back to basin.  Mr. Gorman is in agreement with the recommendations made by staff on the attached memo to LRC Group.

John Ianni, Professional Soil Scientist with Highland Soils Inc., stated that the southern portion of wetlands actually being used as lawn, there is no wetland vegetation, there is not a lot of watershed on the property, most normal qualities associated with wetland does not exist – this is a remnant or non-functioning wetlands, can only tell by soil it’s a wetlands.  On-site mitigation is not feasible.  The off-site mitigation proposed, and endorsed by staff, is the construction of a trail from this site going west from the parking lot through the Priest farm to the South Windsor Land Trust property.  There will also be an elevated boardwalk constructed over the marsh area.  This proposal is to compensate for the loss of the non-functional wetlands on the property.

Heffler and Warren: great concept, joining the properties

Folger:  Stormsepter and sumps will do the job of catching floatables

Phillips:  it is only detention, not filtration?  Gorman:  100% detention, not filtration

Warren:  flows into the Podunk eventually?  Ianni:  ultimately flows into the Podunk

Ianni:  fill will not affect wetlands to the north due to the flow from east to west

Kelly:  the driveway could be in the upland review area?  Yes.
Kelly:  how concluded the hydrology was gone in the southern part of the wetlands?  Ianni:  lack of organic matter in the topsoil layer, it is a much dryer wetland than it would appear, people that run Mother Goose said that after a heavy rainstorm it is a little squishy but by afternoon they can use that area.  The topsoil layer, which is 12” to 14” in that area, was the key – it is much dryer now than it was.  Ianni feels that the topsoil layer is essentially oxidizing – very little organic matter in it.  There is a difference in the topsoil in the wetlands to the north.
Commissioners decided that an agreement with the Land Trust, approving the trail concept and the trail mapped out, was required prior to approval of this application.  Ianni stated that he could have the trail mapped out by Friday and will submit an aerial photo.
Mr. Gorman and Mr. Bruce Kelley, whose parents are the current owners of the property, were concerned about the delay and suggested approval be given with conditions.  The Commissioners preferred to have their requirements satisfied prior to any approval being given.

The public hearing was continued to the next meeting being held on January 5, 2011.


Appl. #10-52P, FedEx Ground Distribution Center – Sullivan Ave. – Determination of Public Hearing, IWA/CC application for the construction of a Fed Ex distribution center, parking, stormwater structures, and associated improvements.  The site is located northerly of Sullivan Avenue and easterly of Kennedy Road.  Industrial (I) zone.

Warren:  amount of disturbance and visibility to public indicates need for public hearing

Heffler:  due to size of project, wetlands impact and potential for public interest –

Motion to: Hold a public hearing on January 5, 2011 on Appl. #10-52P, FedEx Ground Distribution Center – Sullivan Ave. – Determination of Public Hearing, IWA/CC application for the construction of a Fed Ex distribution center, parking, stormwater structures, and associated improvements.  The site is located northerly of Sullivan Avenue and easterly of Kennedy Road.  Industrial (I) zone.

Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous

ITEM:  OLD BUSINESS:  765 Sullivan Avenue – Folger:  Town Manager has no problem with an easement being placed on the property, but since the letter was directed to the Town Council, must wait for the Town Council to take action.  Warren will consult with Councilor Tom Delnicki to get issue put on the Town Council agenda as soon as possible.  

ITEM:  OTHER BUSINESS:  Holiday Party will be held at Sawadee Thai Cuisine on January 12, 2011 beginning at 6:00 pm.  

Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 8:11 pm
Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary                             Approved:  January 5, 2011